Daily Wellness Hacks For Busy Entrepreneurs

Most people don’t know that besides being a mom and co-owner of URBN Cowork, I’m also a Kinesiologist.

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Yes, you read that correctly. 

It’s a big part of the reason why I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs squeeze self-care into each and every day.

You NEED to do something for yourself at least once a day. 

Before you start assuming that I’m talking about a 10K run or some crazy CrossFit class, take a breath.

It could be something as easy as treating yourself to an ice cream cone or going for a walk. 

Taking time to focus on your mental and physical wellness impacts your overall productivity. 

It is important to take care of the body you have been given. We only get one, that we know of. Now wouldn’t that be cool, knowing somehow that we may get a second chance at life? 

Since we don’t get a do-over, for now, I’m sharing some wellness hacks for the busy entrepreneurs, I have learned over the years of being a Kinesiologist.

Why entrepreneurs need to focus on their well-being

Your well being is more important to how you do business than you think.

If you are not healthy, you are not productive. 

You aren’t producing your best work. You get behind.

Then you get stressed and can become a continuous cycle that only ends when you give up or your body gives out. 

At this point, you’re forced to give your body what it needs. REST.

That is burnout. Why wait for your body to get to that point? 

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Happiness could be as simple as savasana after a tough yoga class, mentally and physically exhausted but relaxed.

We started offering weekly yoga classes on Monday nights at URBN Cowork South Edmonton over 6 months ago and can say it has grown in popularity.

It is a great way to energize yourself for a busy work week ahead or to re-focus on your well-being.

If you get a chance and would like to join us, check it out here. It is FREE for URBN Members and only $15/class to drop-in.

Why entrepreneurs struggle when it comes to taking care of themselves

As entrepreneurs, we don’t work the typical Monday to Friday 8 hour workdays. 

Some weeks you may work 20 hour days with very little rest while other weeks could be 4-hour workdays. 

It’s often based on how we feel and how much we are juggling at that particular time. 

We all have had those tunnel vision days where we barely look up from our computer. It is about recognizing those days and remembering to step away for a moment to reconnect. 

If we don’t do that, we may not hear our body pleading for rest.

Luckily having a space to go to be productive helps balance that obsession between work and social. 

At URBN we have many outlets for entrepreneurs to take a step away from work for a moment. Some choose to go for a walk around the lake, go outside and sit on the patio or grab a refreshment.  

As a mom of two very busy girls, I quickly realized how important it was to look after myself just as much as them. If I didn’t take time for myself I wouldn’t be about to do a very good job of taking care of them, or our URBN members.

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Self-care does not mean that you are being selfish. Sure it can feel selfish, but it’s actually one of the most selfless things you can do for your work and family.

Entrepreneurs struggle with making the time to practice self-care, but you don’t need 3 hours. 

I get it, you’re busy, but the important thing is that you do what you can. 

If you can try to do some form of exercise for 20 minutes every day, you will see weight loss and have more energy. 

I’m proof of this. I have had two babies and I eat healthily and exercise 20 minutes a day. I have lost all the baby weight and increased my energy. Now I can keep up with my littles, as well as URBN.

Adding a little bit of activity throughout the day that elevates the heart rate can help. It could be as simple as walking around a park or around the block to running 5km in 30 minutes. 

Whatever daily exercise is to you make it a part of your routine. 

And here is why, 

  • Exercise gives you more energy throughout your day

  • Helps you sleep better at night

  • Lowers your risk of heart disease & stroke 

  • Helps manage STRESS & ANXIETY

As we age more research is showing that exercise helps keep our brains healthy. I am not sure about you, but I certainly would like to keep my brain healthy for as long as possible. 

8 Daily wellness hacks for the busy entrepreneur

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  1. Put down the cell phone when you go home at night. Be present.

  2. Surround yourself with positive people.

  3. Exercise every day. 

  4. Get outside every day.

  5. Prepare healthy meals every day.

  6. Do something you love every day - Be creative.

  7. Sleep well.

  8. Get one thing accomplished every day. - Even if it's getting out of bed.

Lastly, be gentle with yourself

Accept that you are not perfect and that you may not work out every day. That is okay.

The most important thing to focus on is where you are RIGHT NOW.  

Not where you will be in 5 years or where you were 5 years ago. 

Live today and focus on you! 

What will make you feel good today? A piece of chocolate cake? Do it, and maybe tomorrow try 20 minutes of activity and feel the difference for yourself. 

Happiness comes from within, surround yourself with good people who may push you out of your comfort zone. 

They may just be the ones who could help you take your business to the next level.

~ Heather

PS: If you haven't had the chance to check out our coworking space in South Edmonton, Dylan & I would love to show you around and answer your questions about coworking. Book a tour now